Supervision & Evaluation
The evaluation process is an important component of any organization. Across OCSU and the member schools we strive to provide a process which is fair to all employees, provides honest feedback, and allows for employee growth. Our evaluation system is differentiated to allow for a systemic approach across various positions and has multiple components depending on role and experience within the school.
Support staff (i.e. para-educators, custodians, food service, etc.) evaluations are conducted annually in accordance with the current master contractual agreement.
Professional educators (i.e. any position requiring certification) who have been in the same district for one for two years are evaluated using the Danielson Model as its base. Depending on whether the educator is a classroom teacher or school nurse or another professional, the most appropriate Danielson rubric will be chosen by the administrator. Upon formal classroom and day-to-day observations, this process enables the educator to identify areas where there are strengths and and where they might look to improve. The number of evaluations is driven by state law and the master contractual agreement.
Professional educators (i.e. any position requiring certification) who have been in the same district for three years or more participate in the Teacher Evaluation Process. TEP is a highly differentiated goals-based system meant to allow the Teachers (including everyone required to hold a professional license) to continue to enhance his or her teaching practices through a collaborative method with colleagues, by investigating current practice and using data to support growth.
TEP Templates are available in Google Docs. In addition, educators can build their own template in Google Sites or use any tools, digital or otherwise, as long as it adheres to the components listed under the "TEP components" section of TEP Roles, Responsibilities, and Timeline. See an administrator for clarification.
Click o the links for the most up-to-date Google Docs TEP templates. It will request you make a copy.
Please see an administrator or your building tech if you need assistance with any of the templates.