Recovery Plan

Recovery Plan
The Vermont Agency of Education has required every school district or supervisory union to submit a “Recovery Plan” by June 1. The plan includes templates for a needs assessment and logic models (plans that include goals and strategies for addressing identified needs). The plan requires that we address needs in 3 areas: Academic Achievement, Engagement/Truancy, Social-Emotional/Mental HealthOn March 18-19, all teachers and administrators worked on the needs assessment portion of the plan. This work included analyzing data, interpreting data, and making recommendations for addressing identified needs.
During March, April, and May, the Administrative Cabinet (14 members) reviewed the needs assessments from all the schools and completed logic models for each of the areas in the Recovery Plan template.

On May 20, 2021 we submitted our Recovery Plan to the AOE.

Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER)
The federal government has made funds available to school districts through ESSER. At this time OCSU has been notified of  the following allocations:

  • ESSER I - $845,771

  • ESSER II - $3,805,892

  • ESSER III - $5,643,819.06

​There are many regulations regarding how we can use these funds. Applications are submitted to the VT Agency of Education and once our application is approved we receive reimbursement as we spend the funds. Anything purchased using federal funds must go through a “procurement” process. Funds can only be used for items related to “COVID Recovery”.